Vegetables for years have been considered by nutritionists as essential foods, they provide the body with plenty of vitamins and minerals, they are low in sodium, sugars, carbohydrates and fats. As this food group is so famous, the vegetable soup diet becomes an excellent option for those looking to lose weight, and there have been many successful vegetable soup diet success stories.
However, there are many detractors of it as well since it is a diet of only a few days and not one that is maintained over time. To learn more about this diet, how to do it and several testimonials of its effectiveness, we invite you to continue reading the post.
Vegetable soup diet
The vegetable soup diet is considered a mono-diet, it is based mainly on one food group, in this case vegetables. Its objective, like many diets in this category, is to allow you to lose weight in a short time, through a caloric deficit. With this diet you can lose from 4 to 9 kg, something that according to some can be achieved with vegetables, as they are low in fat, sugar and generate satiating effect when included in a soup.
Despite such wonders, some believe that this diet is not very healthy, since the body needs other types of food to function properly, so it is recommended to perform it under medical restriction. Besides, it is not a sustainable diet as most diets of this type, since they are not intended to be used in the long term.
How to do the vegetable soup diet?
The soup diet is very simple, it basically consists of a common vegetable soup, there are many variants of these soups, however they all share common factors and that is that they use vegetables that have a low glycemic level and few carbohydrates.
To prepare this soup you can use a base of some protein broth and add vegetables such as celery, spinach, kale, green beans, turnip, cauliflower, garlic, peppers, onion, pumpkin and carrot; you can also add some spices, if you want. During 7 to 10 days you must consume only and exclusively this soup, at breakfast, lunch and dinner to obtain the expected results, although you can also eat only one different meal a day.
When you are doing the vegetable soup diet, you should avoid consuming dairy products, cookies, cereals, candies, processed foods, chips, apples, coffee cream, bread, citrus fruits and others. To maintain the results obtained with this diet, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet, combined with physical activity.
Testimonials and vegetable soup diet success stories
Paul Grant 22 years old, this diet has been one of the few that I have not had a hard time doing, since I am a fan of vegetable soups. I was doing it consuming only the soup and I was able to lose up to 5kg. I would recommend it only if you are used to eating this type of food.
Julia Evans 45 years old,this diet surprised me a lot at the beginning, because I managed to lose about 6 kg following the instructions, however some time later I regained some kilos, which left me very sad. That is why I would not recommend it, what I do advise you to do is to go to a nutritionist to design your eating plan, that is what has been working for me at the moment.