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Naturally Healthy


Cancer of the colon and rectum (also called colorectal cancer) is the most frequent in our midst cases jointly diagnosed in men and women, whereas more common than lung and breast.

More than 50% of cancers of the colon and rectum are lifestyle-related. However, the main risk factor is age. From 50 years this cancer is much more common.colon cancer

What measures can apply to prevent it?

Despite being one of the most common cancers in our midst, is also one that most can benefit from prevention, through primary and secondary prevention strategies.

Primary prevention

Primary prevention measures are those that allow us to avoid the appearance of colon cancer and straight and are summarized in:

  • make a diet rich in fruit and vegetables,
  • consume little red meat and saturated fat,
  • reduce alcohol intake,
  • exercise,
  • control the weight,
  • no smoking.

Secondary prevention (early detection or screening or screening)

They are measures that allow us to detect the disease in its early stages, when there is still no symptoms and the treatment success is high.

There are different tests that directly or indirectly allow us to diagnose cancer or lesions that precede it. The two most commonly used are:

Colonoscopy: try invasive that is to view the inside of the large intestine.

stool for occult blood test: consists of analyzing a stool sample and determine if there is blood in it. In the case that is blood, you will be a colonoscopy to confirm or rule out the presence of injuries.

Who I would ask testing to prevention?

If it resides in an area where screening programs is being conducted and has between 50 and 69 years, will be in touch with you through a letter inviting him to the test of blood hidden in Lee.

If they reside in an area where there is still no screening program, you can request your doctor for your health center to perform some of the tests mentioned above (or similar).

Should how often be prevention tests?

Colonoscopy every 10 years provided that they are not lesions and on the basis of the test under optimal conditions (clean bowel and complete display of all of the intestine).

The blood test stool for occult every 2 years whenever blood samples is not detected.

What happens if I have a history of cancer of colon and rectum in the family?

In these cases should be a complete medical history to know the number of cases in the family and the age at the time of diagnosis of cancer. Depending on the results, may be other tests or those mentioned before, but more frequently.

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